Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Love a good conspiracy theory...

...and I have found a good one; Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by a lookalike.

The evidence? According to supporters of the theory, can be found throughout post 1966 Beatles albums, photos, etc. Even Wikipedia has a page on the myth.

Here's my favourite piece of 'evidence';

The cover of the Beatles' iconic album Abbey Road. Now, this actually is interesting...

Paul is the only barefoot Beatle. He also has his eyes closed, and a cigarette (known to some as a 'coffin-nail') in his left hand (even though he is right-handed) Another theory is that the whole theme of the photo is a 'funeral procession'. John is in white as the Preacher, Ring in black is the Undertaker, Paul is the corpse (closed eyes, etc) and finally George (in denim - working clothes) is the Gravedigger.

Huh. Interesting. Funny, even. I don't even really like the Beatles so I don't care that much - but as conspiracy theories go - it's a good 'un.

Google it, because there is a lot more evidence out there in internet-land.

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